Hepburn Cooperative Playschool
(Last updated: October 10, 2023)
- Since: October 8, 1986. One of the longest running Playschool Programs in Saskatchewan.
- Location: Room B161 at Heritage Common, 703-2nd Street East, Hepburn, SK.
- Meet the Teacher Night in September.
- AGM – August/September. Registration Night and AGM.
- Description: Co-operative Playschool for Children Aged 3 and 4.
- Volunteer Board: Klaske Hoving - President; Amanda Pitcher - Vice President; Lori Hildebrandt - Secretary; Michelle Hermans - Treasurer; Melissa Beierle - Fundraising Coordinator; Paige Spriggs - Fundraising Coordinator; Heather MacDonald - Member at Large.
- Teacher: Karen Voth.
- Opening Day Info: 4 year olds – September. 3 year olds – October.
- Fundraiser Info: Pizza and Soup (Fall), Purdys Chocolates (Christmas), Gift Basket Raffle (Spring).
- Members: Parents of Playschool Students are expected to be involved in volunteer schedule.
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hepburncooperativeplayschool/
- Email: hepburnplayschool@gmail.com
- Web: http://hepburnplayschool.weebly.com
- Volunteer Opportunities: Contact the board.